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The YMCA has been running a lemonade stand at the Dubuque County Fair for decades and it is run completely by volunteers! Every July, dozens of volunteers sign up for our collectible volunteer shirts and to help us sell our famous, fresh squeezed lemonade. Funds raised support scholarship assistance for our members, so no one is ever turned away due to their inability to pay.

If you want to volunteer, fill out our survey to express the time slots that you have available!

Save the date for this year’s event, Thursday, October 24, 2024 at Hotel Julien!

Every October, the YMCA’s Glimmer of Hope committee puts on an annual event to support Dubuque Y Crisis Services. The Y’s Crisis Services provides temporary emergency shelter & supportive services to victimized women and their families, so they have the protection and freedom to live safely in our community. Sponsorships help make this event possible along with community participation and donations.

If you have questions about how to sign up or want to learn more about our annual events, please contact Abbye Portzen, Marketing and Fund Development Director.

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